
About us

Ningxia Baichuan Technology Co., Ltd.

Relying on the industrial supporting advantagesof Ningdong Base, Ningxia Baichuan Technology Co., Ltd. has extended the industrialchain from coal gasification to aldehydes, monohydric alcohols, polyols and theirby-products. The leading products - trimethylolpropane, neopentyl glycol andn-isobutyraldehyde products are important chemical raw materials and widelyused in the fields of automobiles, textiles, pharmaceuticals, coatings,pesticides and plastics.

The companyactively implements the standardization strategy and has taken the lead incompleting the revision of the industry standard for trimethylolpropane. Basedon the experience in previous projects and technical reserves, the company haveconstantly deepened the continuous optimization and improvement of productprocess technology level, equipment automation level, intrinsic safety leveland environmental governance level, and further improved the production capacity,unit consumption, quality and other aspects of products. Currently, the overallenergy and material consumption levels of the company’s projects are at theadvanced level in the industry.
